About Me

Recipe for Expat Creative



• Passion for creating engaging visual works

• 20+ years looking at life through a lens (photography, video)

• 15+ years video production and post-production:  camera, editing, DOP, director, live streaming

• 11 years tertiary video technical support

• 5 years IT network technical support


Add the great outdoors, music and home beer making to taste.


Shake vigorously until desired level of creative output is achieved.

I came to New Zealand in 2010 on a working holiday with a friend of mine. I love the outdoors, and New Zealand drew me in with its beauty and diverse environments. We travelled both islands for a year and chronicled our experiences in my travel blog, the Illuminated Vagabond. We had an amazing journey and made some great friends, including unbeknownst to me, my future wife.


After a short stint in Australia I came back to New Zealand and took an opportunity to work for accomodation with some lovely folks in Ahipara. While there I saw an ad for a job at Wintec in Hamilton, and thought, "What the heck, why not throw my hat in the ring?" I landed the role and after a few months and heaps of immigration paperwork my partner and I became Hamiltonians. A decade later and we're happy home owners with a recent addition to our small family, Jonah.


I've had a passion for photography since taking that first course in university. I was hooked, but 'real jobs' always took up my time. After taking a break from IT work and doing a bit of travel around Europe I was lucky to start a position at a video production company, Motion Inc. This is where my professional video career began. Motion's slogan was "Tell a Better Story." I like to think that I still live by that slogan and incorporate that ethos into my work. 

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